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(This question is mandatory)

The programme met the stated learning objectives.

(This question is mandatory)

The content was relevant to my educational needs.

(This question is mandatory)

There was enough evidence-based recommendations in the programme.

(This question is mandatory)

The information presented in this activity helped me to have a better understanding of the topic.

(This question is mandatory)

The format used for the programme was appropriate.

(This question is mandatory)

I plan to apply what I have learned from the congress in my practice.

(This question is mandatory)

The programme was balanced and unbiased. If you answer No, please explain.

(This question is mandatory)

Did all the faculty members provide their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation?

(This question is mandatory)

The knowledge I learned from this CME programme is applicable to my practice.

(This question is mandatory)

Would you recommend this session to your peers? 

(This question is mandatory)

Evaluate the following elements of this congress.

Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know / On Line Participation
Discussion periods
Lectures by faculty
E-Congress Material
This congress compared to other congresses of this type that you have attended?
(This question is mandatory)
Please rate the following items.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Organization of the program
Overall rating of Congress
Congress secretariat assistance and registration process
Technical support

 Please give a summary of the information you received which will be useful in your practice.

What did you like most of this congress and what least?

General comments:

(This question is mandatory)

I participated as:

(This question is mandatory)